Sunday, November 21, 2010

Nostalgia in Pink

When winter falls around here, it always renders me a little bit mopey for NYC.  I miss it. 
Yes, I still miss it, lo these many years later.  My good friend, and great artist, Karen Slovak paints NY scenes that make that missing-it-pattern ease my heart ache just a bit.

A few years ago, Karen and I were in NYC at the same time.  So I showed her my old haunts and we wandered down old streets new to us, all the while Karen was snapping photos of a New York she hoped to recreate in paint. 

Karen grew up in the city and it's where her family history still lives.  This painting, lovingly recreated from an old photo, was her Uncle's barber shop.

I have my own piece of Karen's New York now.  A tiny pink version of a building after my own heart.

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