Thursday, December 6, 2007

Today, a little therapy

The week is almost over and I've been going to and fro with the ending of teaching residencies this month. It's sad to have to say goodbye to all the kids, K-5th graders, but being able to act out the 5th grader's plays and watch the 4th graders perform their monologues makes it all worth it. Next semester, the plan is to work with the advanced play writing students and maybe work on a girl's oral history project. I cannot wait!

So, while one thing ends for awhile, other things come pouring in. Today I was featured on Apartment Therapy, a really cool website that highlights all sorts of things around the country. There is a one section called House Calls and they interview and profile artists and their homes. You can check out my little interview here.

One thing I must do, before I go any further, is give a HUGE shout out to the publicist of all publicists: Christina. Her word-of-mouth gets more done in a day than I have in a year. So, thanks T.

I'm heading over to Candystore (who has a brand spankin new website, by the way) right this moment to deliver packets of xmas cards in case you still need to write your 'happy's' to friends and family! I wanted to include photos here, but don't have the camera to do so--you can check out an idea of them on Comfies post.

1 comment:

Christina said...

you're a rock star! publicizing you is like getting people excited about Britney being pregnant again.. what i'm trying to say is you don't even need me! ! xott