Friday, April 20, 2012

Reading Til It Hurts

I'm back in a big reading mode.  A week or so ago, I visited a neighborhood library not in my neighborhood (the wonders of public libraries:  I can take out a book at one branch and return it to any other branch in the city! Way to make my life easier! And, I get to check out other libraries while I'm at it), and I took out five random books.  While I do carry a little notebook with me that has the dozens and dozens of titles I'm looking to read, most times, I just wander the aisles and pull out a book who's spine looks interesting or who's title has titillated me.  I read the first few pages and if it moves me, I take it.  If it doesn't, it goes back on the shelf and I'm back to wandering. 

The first book I took out I'd never heard of but ended up loving (always a win win with a library book) called "The Earth Hums In B Flat".  It was written by a Welsh librarian.  
I used to live in Wales. 
So, with those two bits of knowledge, I knew this one was coming home with me (but yes, I read the first few pages, to be sure).
The second novel I read actually came from my list of books:  It was AWFUL.  I finished it of course, I had to find out who did the deed, but I groaned the whole way through it.
The third and fourth books I happened upon have both turned out to be really enjoyable, easy reads that I didn't want to put down.
And the fifth is a biography/memoir written by a man about his father, I'm leaving that one for last.
All this to say, I came across this project the other day and it thrilled me to no end!  New York's alternative library, indeed!  A lending library for the masses.  And snugly tucked into an almost obsolete existence in it's own right, the phone booth.  It's a two for one!


Marylinn Kelly said...

Not a library but suggested by the phone booth installations is Bart's Books in Ojai, CA ( which has shelves of books around its outside wall and uses the honor system when the shop is closed: customers toss their money over the wall, or did back when I lived in the vicinity. Libraries are a hallmark of civilization. My son works in one. My first job was in a research library.

Danielle Muller said...

hey there friend...

a small tidbit of you on my blog today...

thinking of you, kaari & kick and hoping to be in france next summer with you again!


Tyn said...

you crack me up. I choose books the same way- and keep the list of books read and books still to read on random pieces of paper. Of course those lists get lost and confused sometimes. FYI I choose wine by how much I like the label. My suggestion for a really interesting read- The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot.