Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh, what a beautiful mooorning, Oh, what a beautiful daaaaay!

Martin Luther King's Sister, taken when Obama was named the winner

I'm not sure I would have done anything today but try to write down what this feeling is. I'd try to write it a hundred different ways, never quite capturing the palpable energy that began last night around 8:30pm and has yet to dissipate.

Luckily (I suppose), I had to go to work today. I only cried about three times, talking about Obama, the election, the reaction from people, the joy...and really, most people cried with me. Teachers and parents alike all weighed in with a great big sigh. The world seemed rosier today. The kids came skipping in early, singing "Obama won! Obama won! Miss Molly, did you hear? Obama won!" Yes, yes, I did hear.

I heard it on the corner of Valencia and 19th. Our party of fifteen (who'd been happily ensconced in the living room with the big ole tv, having just listened to and given a standing O for, Obama's acceptance speech) converged with an eventual party of hundreds. All hooting and hollering at the top of their lungs. Tons and tons of people had tears streaming down their face with these huge, elated smiles to balance it all. We couldn't get enough of it, turning to look at each other with these wide eyes and heads shaking, "Can you believe it? Really?, really?, FINALLY!" It was incredible to witness. It was incredible to be a part of.

thnx to deb
& huffington post for the photos (from all around the world, reactions to obama's win)


slh said...

DUDE! I've been thinking of you and wanting to catch up with you and revel in the converstion since I heard. Yesterday was truly a day of rejoice. I'm so excited - I kept checking your blog to see if you found some time to add your happiness. Glad you did. How Amazing is this? AHHHHH!

Sandra Evertson said...

Lovely blog!
Sandra Evertson

Christina said...

i get chills all over thinking about that night. how truly awesome it was and it is!

comfies said...

ahhh, this is a great post mol, thank you for writing it. i'm in a state of shock i think. yes, i think maybe i am. xoxo.

Maggie May said...

awesome!!! i cried so much that night!
i just love the pictures you picked and posted. i hadn't seen that one of Martin Luther King's sister, damn that's so....awesome!

billy girl said...

yes, Mol, we did, and we will and now we can . . . hope!!!! xoxox GOBAMA! sar