"Every time I would show them to people, some would say they're paintings, others called them sculptures. And then I heard this story about Calder," he said, referring to the artist Alexander Calder, "that nobody would look at his work because they didn't know what to call it. As soon as he began calling them mobiles, all of a sudden people would say 'Oh, so that's what they are.' So I invented the term 'Combine' to break out of that dead end of something not being a sculpture or a painting. And it seemed to work."
-Robert Rauschenberg
The premise: It's Bernice's nest collection. Collected 1934-37, from different towns in Wisconsin. Bernice was an avid bird watcher and travelled around Wisconsin with her family. Everywhere they went, she searched the ground for fallen bird nests. She always looked around to make sure she wasn't disturbing an active family home and then would wrap the nest carefully and bring it back with her. Proud of her collection, with the help of her father, she mounted each nest and framed her collection.
love it - see you manana sister!
And it just goes on...I have three birds' nests, currently, that I found in Iowa, Minnesota, and Oregon...
love these mol...
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These are so beautiful, on first glance my breath caught in my throat. Lovely! The playing cards, the variety of nests, and that amazing blue velvet. Wow. Love the quote, too.
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