Wednesday, February 25, 2009

color me katie

I like my life.
I get to do a lot of neat things.
I have space to create and a really fun, funny job.


this girl's life seems ridiculously filled with juicy-ness that is seriously enviable.
Her hugely creative spirit creating all the good that comes her way. Damn sweet.

images from her fantastic blog


Maggie May said...

oh wonderful!

Christina said...

love her stuff! thanks for sharing molly!

thetiniestspark said...

ha! i read this same blog entry of hers a couple weeks ago. i thought this eye photo series would be such a fun project to do with my nieces in portland, but when i showed them, they go "um. it looks cool, but i think it would be kind of...boring. to do." oh, 6 year olds! you are A TOUGH AUDIENCE.