I was given a Workshop Sewing 101 class for my birthday this year. It was the perfect fit to last years birthday gift of a sewing machine. I needed to just get myself out of the gate.
It was fantastic: Fun, Easy-going, Just the right pace, Cute people, Great pointers,
and a really larger-than-life-personality in our teacher, Kelly.
She was rocking it.
And every funny, the-first-time-i-tried-to-sew-a.... sewing story had something to do with her liking some cute boy, sewing up a hot numbered dress out of some old heavy-metal tshirt, or wearing tight jeans. I'm not remotely this cool, but it made me feel cooler for taking the class from her.

Kelly, what an inspiration! So cool and creative and a true fighter.
Thanks for bringing her to us!
wow. going to go to her blog now.
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